Decent effort.
The game has entertainment potential, it's simple, it's easy to pick up but, sadly, east yo put away as well. It falls flat due to several serious flaws, the most obvious being the lack of ingenuity. Bouncing balls games have been done to death already, and unless you find a very imaginative twist to throw in, the gameplay is severely outdated. The graphics are also very bland, and the music loops should really be looked into by the US military, due to its potential as a weapon against terrorism (it could be used as a torture method in Guantanamo Bay).
A few suggestions of improvements:
1: Get rid of the music. Deliver us from Evil!
2: I don't know how apt you are at handling graphic programs, but if you look at most of the "best of all times" games in the flash portal, you will notice many of the casual games on that prestigious list has a distinct graphical look. It doesn't need to be Crysis quality, it just has to be more intriguing than simple geometric figures such as balls.
3. Try adding a twist in the gameplay. Perhaps pickups with adverse or positive effects other than adding five points to the score. Increase the frequency of new ball spawns, it is too easy at the moment. Just throw something in there to rattle the cage, like an adverse pickup which causes the controls to be inverted for a few seconds. Or a positive pickup which creates a magned that catches nearby balls for a few seconds. Just anything to break up the monotony of the gameplay mechanics.